
The State Board for Volunteer Firefighters and Reserve Officers administers the Volunteer Firefighters and Reserve Officers Relief and Pension Act (RCW 41.24) 

2024 Board Meetings

Photo of a fire truck with a fire in the background.
All meetings will be held in the James R. Larson Forum Building at 605 - 11th Ave. SE #207 at 9:00 a.m. unless otherwise noted.
  • April 21, 2025
  • July 21, 2025
  • October 20, 2025

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Latest Updates

Annual Reporting Fee Increase Effective January 1, 2025

Required Disability fee: increasing from $30 to $50

Optional Pension fee: increasing from $60 to $90 (this fee is split $45 to the municipality and $45 to the member)

Reserve Officer and EMSD fees: Disabilty $240 Pension $140 ($45 to the member and $95 to the municipality)

Pension Benefits Set to Increase

As of February 1, 2024, BVFF received the needed ruling to implement the pension benefit enhancements that were passed during the 2020 Legislative Session. The proposed changes and effectives dates are outlined below. For more detailed information please reach out to our office staff.  

  • Effective February 1, 2024 Increase of pension calculations: All current and future beneficiaries will see an increase
    • (# of payments * $10) + $100= Base Amount
  • Effective February 1, 2024 cap of pension payments is removed. Members still active as of February 1, 2024 with 25 payments are eligible to begin making  payments into the pension program again.

New Benefits Administration System in Development

2024 Pension Participation Certifications are now available. Portal users, visit the Voluntere Reporting System page for additional details. Forms will be mailed March 17, 2025. 

Please visit the Volunteer Reporting System page for additonal details and links to SAW and the PP+ portal login.

PTSD/Mental Health Claims

If you or one of the volunteers with your municipality is experiencing a difficult time after a call response or training event and needs to seek professional counseling services there are benefits available. Under RCW 41.24 mental health claims are reported the same way a physical injury is reported. Benefits are available as long as the medical services are needed as a result of their volunteer fire/EMS or reserve law enforcement service. The claim must be reported within the ninety (90) day reporting window of either the original incident or the most recent triggering event; this will keep the claim open for one (1) year. BVFF must receive or pay on a claim (bill resulting from medical services rendered) within the one (1) year period to keep the claim open. If no billing claim is received or paid within the one year period that claim will close. It could be resubmitted if there is another triggering event at a later date. Please call our office with any questions.

Proportional Share

GASB 67 changed the way that local governments have to report their proportional share of pension system assets and liabilities. Your department's proportional share of pension system assets and liabilities can be accessed through the following links:

  • FY24 (sorted by fire districts, city fire departments, police departments, sheriff's departments, EMSD's)
  • FY23 (sorted by fire districts, city fire departments, police departments, sheriff's departments, EMSD's)
  • FY22 (sorted by fire districts, city fire departments, police departments, sheriff's departments, EMSD's)
  • FY21 (sorted by fire districts, city fire departments, police departments, sheriff's departments, EMSD's)
  • FY20 (sorted by fire districts, city fire departments, police departments, sheriff's departments, EMSD's)
  • FY19 (sorted by fire districts, city fire departments, police departments, sheriff's departments, EMSD's)
  • FY18 (sorted by fire districts, city fire departments, police departments, sheriff's departments, EMSD's)